Thursday 9 February 2012

Thriller Pitches

We had to come up with three ideas that we could use for our thriller opening. We tried to involve as many conventions and expectations from our questionaire results in our ideas.
Idea one:
Our first idea is about a shamed detective in his attic looking through old evidence files, reminiscing about before what happened, happened. He has flashbacks of his career and how it slowly deteriorated.

Idea 2:

This idea is about a sinner who has gone into a confession box to confess to a priest about his sins, but after a while he notices the priest isn't who he thought he was. Personally, i'm unsure of this idea, i don't know whether we would be able to film in a church, and i don't know if we'd be able to make two mintues of footage.

Idea 3:

This idea revolves around a burglar who has broken into a house hoping to steal some valuables, but soon starts finding strange paraphinalia relating to murder, kidnap, etc. He then enters a room and finds something that we don't see, we only see his horrified reaction, and someone knocking him unconscious. He then wakes up tied to a chair in a dark room.

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