Friday 10 February 2012

5. How did you attract/ address your audience?

We posted our finished product on a couple of different public sites, such as Facebook and YouTube as a way to get feedback from our audience. Most of the feedback was positive, saying it was well put together, worked well, that the continuity was good and that it was very realistic and effective. Some commented that the music worked really well although it would be better if only the non-diegetic music played, rather than it playing as well as some diegetic sound. We also sent out questionnaires to find out what the audience wanted and expected from a thriller opening:

We also found from our questionnaires that crime, psychological and mystery thrillers are some of the most popular and so the thriller ideas that we have thought of are based around these three thriller sub genres. We also found from our results that more people preferred having just one main character and that they preferred old fashioned thrillers compared to newer thrillers and so our ideas have taken into account these two results, by not having too many characters.

As you can see we only have one main character that appears in the majority of the shots.

We also showed people our storyboards before filming to see what we could change and what the audience wanted in a thriller opening:

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