Thursday 9 February 2012

Shot List

  • The first shot is focused on the attics entrance where the light sleeps through the darkness from the floor below
  • Secondly, the camera follows the main character as he walks through the attic to his desk
  • We then have a close up of the candle being blown out by the detective
  • Then the opening credits start, and we have very short, quick shots of labels and stickers on folders, whilst the detective is looking through them
  • As the flashbacks begin, it starts with a shot of each character, beginning with the detective, the villain and then the wife's lifeless body
  • Another flashback starts and we will have a mid-shot of the detective leaving his car and entering the house
  • Then a shot of the wife, with the villain entering in the back round brandishing a knife
  • Then immediately a close up of the wife's face showing her emotions as she realises she is in danger
  • As the detective enters the house we have a close up of him hanging his coat on the back of a chair
  • Then him running over to his wife's body
  • And many close ups of the body, the weapon and the detective
  • Then a over-the-shoulder shot from the detective of the villain running through the garden
  • And then a panning shot of the detective catching up with the villain and making the decision whether to avenge his wife
  • Then a close up of the gun as he pulls the trigger
  • Straight after we will show many short, quick snippets of previous shots to show what has just unfolded
  • Then as we hear a phone ring, a close up of the side of the darkened detectives face before he gets up and leaves

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