Thursday 9 February 2012

Thriller Opening Idea 1

Our first thriller opening idea is the one we have chosen to use in our main production. As its very conventional, and we think we will be able to pull this one of best, as we have talked about which one we could make the most tense, dramatic and mysterious. We also have the perfect location and props for this idea, as Tom, one of the members in our group, has an old(ish) house aswell as two cars from the 1950's, which is the time period we want our opening to be set. So with these factors in mind we had to choose our first idea.

 Its set in an old desolate house. It will be in black and white and will have some quiet, eerie music playing in the background, to create tension as we found through our questionnaire results that this is what people prefer at the beginning of a thriller. This idea will also use just one main character as this from our research we found is what most viewers before, and it will also help the viewer to connect more with the main character before the film begins and gets into depth. This idea is a Noir-Crime Thriller, and will be quite mysterious in the way that it gives nothing away to the viewer, that will give away what has happened or what’s going to happen, we have chosen to do it this was as when we sent out our questionnaire we found that most people prefer the beginning of a thriller to be mysterious rather than it giving away everything about the story. The scene will start off with an establishing shot of the attics entrance, and will show the main character enter in no kind of rush or bad intent, this will create some tension and the suspense builds for the scene to begin as we aren't sure about his motives. The shot will then cut to a close up of a candle being blown out, to show either time passing or a disappearance of something physical. The opening credits will begin along with some slow, dramatic music that will also help build tension. But during these credits, the main character will be flicking through some old pictures and we will edit in some flashbacks of what has happened, helping to tell the story and shed some light on our mysterious main character. After the credits, longer less frequent flashbacks will begin to occur, again showing and telling us the story of the detective. We will include flashbacks of his house being broken into and his wife being murdered. The story will continue to be told through these flashbacks, showing us that the detective will face a decision at the end, whether he should avenge his wife or not.

This idea relates to the conventions of the thriller genre as tension and mystery is created, the music used will be very conventional of a thriller genre. It will also have dark scenery and a main event at the beginning that will introduce the main characters, and will keep the audience on the edge of their seats due to the fact that the main story line is not revealed.

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