Thursday 9 February 2012

Filming Evaluation

The filming of our thriller opening went well, the location was perfect for the opening and worked really well for the story, there were also parts of the location we had no planned to film in that when we got there found looked really good for the story as well as the main location, such as the start of the graden where the detective caught up with the villain, as we had planned for him to be caught in the kitchen instead.

Some problems that we came across when filming were:

  • Battery Life- At the beginning of the day it was fully charged but with all the shots we took the battery ran out quite quickly and so we found it hard to get some extra shots from different angles of some of the different scenes. 
  • Acting- Some of the members in our group where not particullary great at acting so it created multiple problems for us, one being that it took us about an hour to film one 5 second scene. But we overcame this problem by having a close up of the path that the actor walked than his face, which looked really good anyway.
Over all I think that the filming went really well and we got a good number of shots. The location working really well for us, and our group worked really well together each putting in our own opinions in how we thought each shot could be improved.

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