Sunday 8 January 2012

Preliminary Task Filming and Editing

So like we had planned, we had plenty of time to get our footage and some extra just in case any original footage was lost. Some shots we had planned to do were too difficult to pull off, as we wanted to get a shot of a garage door opening or closing, but the Sun wasn't helping us at all, as almost every shop we tried didn't look that great, so in the end we had to go to 'plan B'.

We were hoping to use this sign as part of the credits but changed our mind at the last minute due to lighting (again). But we had got most of the shots we had planned to, which was good as we had quite a variety of them.
This is the inside of the warehouse we used, it had tools, desks and paper work lying around, so it looked like a work place which was what we wanted as we didn't want it to look like some random abandoned building in the centre of town. We also had the privilege of having two cameras so we could capture one piece of footage from two angles/locations, which meant we would have better continuity.
We started uploading straight after we got back, but we found we couldn't upload the footage from the SD card, so we were having to move it to a windows computer, change the format online, then put it back on the Mac. We don't know why this happened, it just did.

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