Sunday 8 January 2012

Media Terminology

These are some of the important terms we will need to know:

Major genre - A dominant, important category, it should be obvious and

easy to define.

Sub genre - A minor category or subdivision that is closely related to its

major genre by being a specific type in its own right.

Hybrid genre or generic hybrid - A combination of major genres that sometimes creates

another type of film e.g. horror/western.

We identify genres by looking at generic codes and conventions.

Mise-en-sene - What we see in the frame of the film e.g Characters, props, setting etc.

Signifiers - Something that will represent something else e.g Red clothing -> Evil.

Conventions - Thing you would expect e.g Action Film -> Guns + Explosions etc.

Denotation - Primary meaning of something

Connotation - Secondary meaning of something

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